This form ⭐️now registers you for SOBIE⭐️ and provides you with an email confirmation.
SOBIE '25 Details
SOBIE Dates: Wednesday, April 9th through Friday, April 11th, 2025
SOBIE Venue: The Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort,, in sunny ☀️ Destin,
SOBIE Conference Fee: Conference Fee: $325 (Includes Plenary Session Breakfast, Thursday, April
10th) Student Fee: $0 (but you must complete this registration form)
RESEARCH SUBMISSION: Use this same form to submit your research to SOBIE. Not quite ready to submit? Go ahead and register and you may submit later.
Please enter a valid email address
First Time Attending Sobie?
Please select an option
Are you a student?
Please select an option
Student Registrant Information
Academic Affiliation
Program of Study
Student Classification
Faculty & Partner Registration
University, Organization, or Company Affiliation
Academic Rank & Department, or Job Title
Hotel Accomodation Acknowledgement
All Conference Activities are held at the Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort.
Hotel accommodations are made separately from Conference Registration.
Plan your stay at the Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort or a nearby venue. SOBIE Group
Code:Book Online, TBA or by Phone: 800-320-8115, (use code: TBA)
Discounted rates are available for the weekends before
after the SOBIE conference.
Extend your stay and enjoy the Sandestin Area
Research Submission
Do you plan to submit your research to SOBIE?
Please select an option
Thank you for letting us know. Please email your your submission when you are ready (details in your registraton confirmation email)
Thank you for letting us know.
If you change your mind, you may still submit via email to the SOBIE editor (details in your registraton confirmation email)
Submission Type
Please select an option
Submission Title
Are there co-authors?
Please select an option
Is at least one co-author a student?
Please select an option
Which session would you prefer to present in?
(Faculty & Student collaborations may present in either session)
Please select an option
Submission Abstract
Primary area of research
Would you like your submission included in the SOBIE
Please select an option
Are there any time slots that you are not available to present?